
BARACK: partially supervised group robustness with guarantees

Background: Neural networks fail to perform well on certain groups of the data. The group information may be expensive to obtain.  Previous work: improve worst-group performance even when group labels are unavailable for robustness and fairness Problem: improve group robustness when only some group labels are available  Methods: a two-step framework to utilize the partial labels for training data and then use the predicted group labels in a robust optimization objective Keywords:  DRO - Distributionally Robust Optimization GDRO - Group Distributionally Robust Optimization

Reading CutPaste

 CutPaste: a simple data augmentation strategy that cuts an image patch and pastes at a random location of a large image. Dataset: MVTec anomaly detection dataset Aim: detect various types of real-world defects [ Code ] Paper Source:

Reading Deep One-class Classification

 Deep One-class Classification: a two-stage framework for deep one-class classification. 1) learn self-supervised representations from one-class data 2) build one-class classifiers on learned representations Self-supervised representation algorithms, the connections to existing one-class classification methods, SOTA contrastive representation learning for one-class classification A: the stochastic data augmentation process, including resize and crop, horizontal flip, color jittering, gray-scale and gaussian blur. Feature extractor f, loss L, projection head g. network structure as gof, g is the projection head used to compute proxy losses and f outputs representations for the downstream task. One way of representation learning is to learn by discriminating augmentations applied to the data. Although not trained to do so, the likelihood of learned rotation classifiers is shown to well approximate the normality score and has been used for one-class classification. A plausible ex...

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